Stackify with the C++ REST SDK - Android

There are a couple of ways to use C++ libraries in Android, but in this sample I am focusing on the Native Activity vs JNI.


To run this sample you need

  • Install Visual Studio for Android dependencies including emulators
  • Install the Nuget package for the C++ REST SDK Install-Package
  • After adding the package, you will need to enable exceptions, rtti, c++11, and the GNU standard library (gnustl_static). These options are all found under Configuration Properties as follows:
  • General -> Use of STL = gnustl_static
  • C++ -> Code Generation -> Enable C++ Exceptions = Unwind Tables (-funwind-tables)
  • C++ -> Language -> Enable Run-Time Type Information = Yes
  • C++ -> Language -> C++ Language Standard = C++11
  • Create a Native Activity project.
  • Add cpprest_init(state->activity->vm); at the top of the android_main function.
Notes & Omissions

I do not have StackTrace logging build into exceptions here yet, but it will be added soon.  I am happy to take recommendations on what to use here.


Initialize the logger with your api key, the application name, and the logging level.  In Stackify this snippet below will log to your account on an application named Android in the Development environment

DefenseAgainstTheDarkArts::Stackify stackify("Your api key here", "Android", "Development");

Log something.  This library uses the same pattern as the other loggers with Information through Fatal, but the sample application is pretty simple.  It simply logs this message every time you tap on the screen.
stackify.Information("This is a test information message");

#include "Exception.h"
#include "Message.h"
#include <cpprest/http_client.h> 
#include <pplx/pplxtasks.h>
#include <cpprest/json.h>
//#include <boost/stacktrace.hpp>

//This is just here from a macro/naming conflict
#ifdef FormatMessage
#undef FormatMessage

#ifdef ERROR
#undef ERROR

namespace DefenseAgainstTheDarkArts
	class Stackify
		Stackify(std::string api_key, std::string application_name, std::string environment);

		void Trace(std::string text);
		void Debug(std::string text);
		void Information(std::string text);
		void Notice(std::string text);
		void Warning(std::string text, std::string source_method, int source_line);
		void Error(std::string text, std::string error_message, std::string error_type, std::string source_method, int source_line);
		void Critical(std::string text, std::string error_message, std::string error_type, std::string source_method, int source_line);
		void Fatal(std::string text, std::string error_message, std::string error_type, std::string source_method, int source_line);

		//Todo: Add more overrides?
		void Log(Message& message);
		void Log(Exception& exception);

		void SetEnvironment(std::string env);
		std::string GetEnvironment();

		void SetApplicationName(std::string app_name);
		std::string GetApplicationName();

		void SetServerVariable(std::string key, std::string value);
		std::string GetServerVariable(std::string key);

		bool log_server_variables;
		web::json::value FormatMessage(Message msg);
		web::json::value FormatException(Exception ex);
		pplx::task<void> PostMessage(std::string api_key, web::json::value message);

		std::string GetLocalComputerName();
		std::string GetOperatingSystemVersion();
		std::string GetTimezone();
		std::string GetWorkingDirectory();

		std::string api_key_;
		std::string environment_;
		std::string server_name_;
		std::string application_name_;
		std::string location_;
		std::string logger_;
		std::string platform_;

		std::map<std::string, std::string> server_variables_;
#include "Stackify_Android.h"
#include <sys/system_properties.h>

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>

using namespace web;
using namespace web::http;
using namespace web::http::client;
using namespace std::chrono;

namespace DefenseAgainstTheDarkArts
	Stackify::Stackify(std::string api_key, std::string application_name, std::string environment)
		api_key_ = api_key;
		environment_ = environment;
		application_name_ = application_name;
		platform_ = "cpp";
		logger_ = "defense-against-the-dark-arts-stackify-logger-pococpp-";
		server_name_ = GetLocalComputerName();
		location_ = GetWorkingDirectory();

		//Sets whether server variables will be logged as data on every message.  Otherwise Server variables are only logged on exceptions
		//Server variables are kvp of misc data that you can set
		log_server_variables = false;


	void Stackify::Trace(std::string text)
		Message msg;
		msg.text = text;
		msg.priority = TRACE;

		web::json::value json = FormatMessage(msg);
		PostMessage(api_key_, json);

	void Stackify::Debug(std::string text)
		Message msg;
		msg.text = text;
		msg.priority = DEBUG;

		web::json::value json = FormatMessage(msg);
		PostMessage(api_key_, json);

	void Stackify::Information(std::string text)
		Message msg;
		msg.text = text;
		msg.priority = INFORMATION;

		web::json::value json = FormatMessage(msg);

		utility::stringstream_t stream;

		PostMessage(api_key_, json);

	void Stackify::Notice(std::string text)
		Message msg;
		msg.text = text;
		msg.priority = NOTICE;

		web::json::value json = FormatMessage(msg);
		PostMessage(api_key_, json);

	void Stackify::Warning(std::string text, std::string source_method, int source_line)
		Message msg;
		msg.text = text;
		msg.priority = WARNING;
		msg.source_method = source_method;
		msg.source_line = source_line;

		web::json::value json = FormatMessage(msg);
		PostMessage(api_key_, json);

	void Stackify::Error(std::string text, std::string error_message, std::string error_type, std::string source_method, int source_line)
		Exception msg;
		msg.text = text;
		msg.priority = ERROR;
		msg.source_method = source_method;
		msg.source_line = source_line;
		msg.error_message = error_message;
		msg.error_type = error_type;

		web::json::value json = FormatException(msg);
		PostMessage(api_key_, json);

	void Stackify::Critical(std::string text, std::string error_message, std::string error_type, std::string source_method, int source_line)
		Exception msg;
		msg.text = text;
		msg.priority = CRITICAL;
		msg.source_method = source_method;
		msg.source_line = source_line;
		msg.error_message = error_message;
		msg.error_type = error_type;

		web::json::value json = FormatException(msg);
		PostMessage(api_key_, json);

	void Stackify::Fatal(std::string text, std::string error_message, std::string error_type, std::string source_method, int source_line)
		Exception msg;
		msg.text = text;
		msg.priority = FATAL;
		msg.source_method = source_method;
		msg.source_line = source_line;
		msg.error_message = error_message;
		msg.error_type = error_type;

		web::json::value json = FormatException(msg);
		PostMessage(api_key_, json);

	void Stackify::Log(Message& message)
		web::json::value json = FormatMessage(message);
		PostMessage(api_key_, json);

	void Stackify::Log(Exception& exception)
		web::json::value json = FormatException(exception);
		PostMessage(api_key_, json);

	web::json::value Stackify::FormatMessage(Message msg)
		json::value root;
		root["Env"] = json::value::string(environment_);
		root["ServerName"] = json::value::string(server_name_);
		root["AppName"] = json::value::string(application_name_);
		root["AppLoc"] = json::value::string(location_);
		root["Logger"] = json::value::string(logger_);
		root["Platform"] = json::value::string(platform_);

		// Create a JSON message
		json::value message;
		message["Msg"] = json::value::string(msg.text);
		message["Th"] = json::value::string(msg.thread_name);

		switch (msg.priority) {
		case TRACE:
			message["Level"] = json::value::string("Trace");
		case DEBUG:
			message["Level"] = json::value::string("Debug");
			message["Level"] = json::value::string("Information");
		case NOTICE:
			message["Level"] = json::value::string("Notice");
		case WARNING:
			message["Level"] = json::value::string("Warning");
		case ERROR:
			message["Level"] = json::value::string("Error");
		case CRITICAL:
			message["Level"] = json::value::string("Critical");
		case FATAL:
			message["Level"] = json::value::string("Fatal");

		//Get Epoch Milliseconds
		milliseconds ms = duration_cast<milliseconds>(system_clock::now().time_since_epoch());
		message["EpochMs"] = json::value::number(ms.count());

		message["SrcMethod"] = json::value::string(msg.source_method);
		message["SrcLine"] = json::value::number(msg.source_line);

		//Populate Data Values
		std::stringstream data;
		for (auto it = msg.data_map.begin(); it != msg.data_map.end(); ++it)
			//Example: Long string containing "Key1":"Value1", "Key2" : "Value2"
			//Todo: Escape special characters
			data << it->first;
			data << ":";
			data << it->second;

			//Check  if it is the last element otherwise add a comma
			if (++it != msg.data_map.end())
				data << ",";
				//If it is the last element check to see if server variables should be appended to the message as data
				if (log_server_variables)
					if (!server_variables_.size() > 0)
						//Has values so add a comma
						data << ",";

		//Append server variables to data
		if (log_server_variables)
			for (auto it = server_variables_.begin(); it != server_variables_.end(); ++it)
				//Nothing in data so append as normal
				data << it->first;
				data << ":";
				data << it->second;

				//Check  if it is the last element
				if (++it != server_variables_.end())
					data << ",";

		if (!data.str().empty())
			message["Data"] = json::value::string(data.str());

		// Create the messages array
		json::value messages;
		messages[0] = message;

		// Assign the items array as the value for the Messages key
		root["Msgs"] = messages;

		return root;

	web::json::value Stackify::FormatException(Exception ex)
		json::value root;
		root["Env"] = json::value::string(environment_);
		root["ServerName"] = json::value::string(server_name_);
		root["AppName"] = json::value::string(application_name_);
		root["AppLoc"] = json::value::string(location_);
		root["Logger"] = json::value::string(U("defense-against-the-dark-arts-stackify-logger-pococpp-"));
		root["Platform"] = json::value::string(U("cpp"));

		// Create a JSON message
		json::value message;
		message["Msg"] = json::value::string(ex.text);
		message["Th"] = json::value::string(ex.thread_name);

		switch (ex.priority) {
		case TRACE:
			message["Level"] = json::value::string("Trace");
		case DEBUG:
			message["Level"] = json::value::string("Debug");
			message["Level"] = json::value::string("Information");
		case NOTICE:
			message["Level"] = json::value::string("Notice");
		case WARNING:
			message["Level"] = json::value::string("Warning");
		case ERROR:
			message["Level"] = json::value::string("Error");
		case CRITICAL:
			message["Level"] = json::value::string("Critical");
		case FATAL:
			message["Level"] = json::value::string("Fatal");

		//Get Epoch Milliseconds
		milliseconds ms = duration_cast<milliseconds>(system_clock::now().time_since_epoch());
		message["EpochMs"] = json::value::number(ms.count());

		message["SrcMethod"] = json::value::string(ex.source_method);
		message["SrcLine"] = json::value::number(ex.source_line);

		//Environment Detail
		json::value environment_detail;
		environment_detail["DeviceName"] = json::value::string(server_name_);
		environment_detail["AppLocation"] = json::value::string(location_);
		environment_detail["ConfiguredAppName"] = json::value::string(application_name_);
		environment_detail["ConfiguredEnvironmentName"] = json::value::string(environment_);

		//Server Variables
		if (server_variables_.size() > 0)
			json::value server_variables;
			for (auto it = server_variables_.begin(); it != server_variables_.end(); ++it)
				server_variables[it->first] = json::value::string(it->second);

			message["ServerVariables"] = server_variables;

		//Error object
		json::value error;
		error["Message"] = json::value::string(ex.error_message);
		error["ErrorType"] = json::value::string(ex.error_type);
		error["ErrorTypeCode"] = json::value::string(ex.error_type_code);
		error["SourceMethod"] = json::value::string(ex.source_method);
		error["CustomerName"] = json::value::string(ex.customer_name);
		error["UserName"] = json::value::string(ex.user_name);

		//Error Data Object
		if (ex.error_data_map.size() > 0)
			json::value error_data;
			for (auto it = ex.error_data_map.begin(); it != ex.error_data_map.end(); ++it)
				error_data[it->first] = json::value::string(it->second);

			error["Data"] = error_data;

		//Todo: Review - Should caller pass in stack trace or just generate?  Leaning toward generate for simplicity
		//json::value stack_frames;
		//int frame_count = 0;

		/*boost::stacktrace::basic_stacktrace<> stack_trace = boost::stacktrace::stacktrace();
		for (auto it = stack_trace.begin(); it != stack_trace.end(); ++it)
			//Todo: Remove the first 4 sections of stack trace.  Shows this method
			//Convert to source_file to wstring
			std::string source_file = it->source_file();
			//Convert source line to wstring
			std::stringstream source_line;
			source_line << it->source_line();

			//Convert method to wstring
			std::string method = it->name();
			json::value stack_frame;
			stack_frame["CodeFileName"] = json::value::string(source_file);
			stack_frame["LineNum"] = json::value::string(source_line.str());
			stack_frame["Method"] = json::value::string(method);

			stack_frames[frame_count] = stack_frame;

		error["StackTrace"] = stack_frames;*/

		//Add Environment Detail to Exception object
		json::value stackify_exception;
		stackify_exception["EnvironmentDetail"] = environment_detail;
		stackify_exception["OccurredEpochMillis"] = json::value::number(ms.count());

		stackify_exception["Error"] = error;

		//Add Exception detail to message object
		message["Ex"] = stackify_exception;

		//Todo:: Add web request details

		// Create the messages array
		json::value messages;
		messages[0] = message;

		// Assign the items array as the value for the Messages key
		root["Msgs"] = messages;

		return root;

	std::string Stackify::GetLocalComputerName()
		char host_name_property[PROP_VALUE_MAX + 1];
		//__system_property_get("ro.product.model", model_string);
		__system_property_get("net.hostname", host_name_property);

		std::stringstream host_name;
		host_name << host_name_property;

		return host_name.str();

	//I dont like this over GetWindowsVersionEx, but that is deprecated
	//Todo: Look for more detailed version information api (Registry?)
	std::string Stackify::GetOperatingSystemVersion()
		char os_version_property[PROP_VALUE_MAX + 1];
		__system_property_get("ro.product.model", os_version_property);

		std::stringstream os_version;
		os_version << os_version_property;

		return os_version.str();

	std::string Stackify::GetTimezone()
		time_t t = time(nullptr);
		struct tm lt = { 0 };

		localtime_r(&t, &lt);

		return lt.tm_zone;

	std::string Stackify::GetWorkingDirectory()
		char* buf = new char[PATH_MAX];
		errno = 0;
		char* cwd = getcwd(buf, PATH_MAX);
		delete[] cwd;

		std::stringstream working_directory;
		working_directory << buf;

		return working_directory.str();

	pplx::task<void> Stackify::PostMessage(std::string api_key, json::value message)
		try {
			// Manually build up an HTTP request with header and request URI.
			http_request request(methods::POST);

			request.headers().add("Content-Type", "application/json");
			request.headers().add("Accept", "application/json");
			request.headers().add("X-Stackify-PV", "V1");
			request.headers().add("X-Stackify-Key", api_key.c_str());



			http_client_config config;

			http_client client("");

			return client.request(request).then([](web::http::http_response response)
				//This is really just fire and forget.  Uncomment for debugging
				/*if (response.status_code() == status_codes::OK)
				auto body = response.extract_string();
				std::wcout << L"Result: " << body.get().c_str() << std::endl;
		catch (const std::exception& e)
			//wcout << L"Caught exception." << endl;


	void Stackify::SetEnvironment(std::string env)
		environment_ = env;

	std::string Stackify::GetEnvironment()
		return environment_;

	void Stackify::SetApplicationName(std::string app_name)
		application_name_ = app_name;

	std::string Stackify::GetApplicationName()
		return application_name_;

	void Stackify::SetServerVariable(std::string key, std::string value)
		std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it = server_variables_.find(key);
		if (it != server_variables_.end()) {
			it->second = value;
		else {
			server_variables_.insert(std::make_pair(key, value));

	std::string Stackify::GetServerVariable(std::string key)
		const std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it = server_variables_.find(key);
		if (it != server_variables_.end())
			return it->second;

		return "Key Not Found";